Episode 7: Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation

Greetings friends! Its been a while, but life has been busy and we haven’t had time to record any new episodes until a couple weeks back, while on our road trip.

In this episode we discuss the difference between appropriating cultural elements for your tattoos, versus using cultural elements in a manner which shows appreciation and respect. There’s also a fun environmental rant at the end.

We recorded this one on video, while driving in the car, so the sound is not the best, so please bear with us! Also, if you want to view the video, and see all the funny faces we make while driving and talking, go check out our YouTube channel: J and T Becoming Fully Human

Show Notes:

The Missippians site we visited was the city of Cahokia, which was a city of 20k people around 1000 CE, and the city was abandoned around 1300 CE. The Monks Mound referred to in the video is a 100 foot high mound, which overlooks the city as the spiritual center.

Lt. James Cook encountered the Maori for the first time on October 8, 1769- most of the illustrations of the Maori were from the 1800s, which was also a time period in which they were hunted for their tattooed skin.

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Episode 6: Body Modification in a Pandemic

So its been a while since our last podcast… life has changed quite a bit since February, and in this episode we discuss a bit about where we’ve been the last few months, what we’ve been up to, and what is going on with us and the pandemic situation. We discuss body sovereignty— the need to be able to control your physical form and the idea of the “Other,” in relation to how we were able to get back to work. Its a bit of a noisy episode, because we recorded it on the fly, so please forgive the background noise.

Show Notes:

John Locke Second Treatise of Government, 1689


Jae and T: Becoming Fully Human on Youtube (our Homesteading/Farming/Returning to the ways of our Ancestors Vlog)

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Episode 5: Returning to our Roots

Welcome to Episode 5!! We discuss a bit about why we had such a long hiatus (health issues) and talk a bit more about why body modification is such an important part of returning to our roots and exploring traditional ways of being Human. This one is a bit of a wandering conversation, and we discuss agriculture and health as well, but it does all tie together in that we think that people are starting to realize that the ways we are living in contemporary society are more detrimental than helpful…. tattooing is one of the many things that people are starting to look at in a different and more traditional (pre-industrial) light and it goes right along with returning to traditional agricultural practices, spirituality, and community.

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Episode 4- What Modern Body Modification lacks

Welcome to Episode 4! In this episode we discuss why it is important to understand the history of tattoo and other body modification practices, the science relating to why we might do such things to ourselves and our offspring and how we, as modern body modification practitioners and participants are missing out on the benefits of these practices. This is a bit of a rambling conversation and we do cover a broad spectrum of thoughts and topics. There is more foul language in this one, so make sure to be aware of who is around when you’re listening… probably NSFW or around kiddos.

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Episode 3- Pain Innoculation and Social Bonding- Why We Endure Rituals of Pain

Welcome to Episode 3! It took us a bit longer to get this out than we would have liked, but the holidays definitely messed up our schedule and there is a lot of research we wanted to get together to share during the episode and to put in the show notes. We appreciate your patience!!

In this episode we discuss the biological reason that we might, as human animals, be inclined to put ourselves and our offspring through painful ordeals. We ponder what exactly the benefits of such experience might be and also why we continue to do so today.

We thank everyone for their continued support! Please be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you’ll see as soon as we post a new podcast! We really appreciate the feedback we have gotten so far, so please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve the podcast, or if there is anything that you are loving about what we’re doing. If you have any questions or comments, you can always email us at artanddiscordstudios@gmail.com.

Reference Notes:

Bastian, Brock, Jolanda Jetten, and Fabio Fasoli. "Cleansing the Soul by Hurting the Flesh." Psychological Science 22.3 (2011): 334-335.

Bastian, Brock, Jolanda Jetten, and Laura J. Ferris. "Pain as Social Glue." Psychological Science 25.11 (2014): 2079-2085.

Bergland, Christopher. “New Clues on Rewiring Your Brain.” Psychology Today March 28, 2012, www. Psychology today.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201203/new-clues-rewiring-your-brain

Craig, A.D. “A New View of Pain as a Homeostatic Emotion.” Trends in Neurosciences 26 (2003): 303-307.

Day, Melissa A, Charles LWard, M DawnEhde, E BeverlyThorn, John Burns, Amanda Barnier, B JasonMattingley, and P MarkJensen. "A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Mindfulness Meditation, Cognitive Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain." Pain Medicine Advance Article (2019).

Fischer, Ronald, and Dimitris Xygalatas. "Extreme Rituals as Social Technologies." Journal of Cognition and Culture 14.5 (2014): 345-355.

Gapp, Katharina, Ali Jawaid, Peter Sarkies, Johannes Bohacek, Pawel Pelczar, Julien Prados, Laurent Farinelli, Eric Miska, and Isabelle M Mansuy. "Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice." Nature Neuroscience 17.5 (2014): 667-669.

Henrich, Joseph. "The evolution of costly displays, cooperation and religion." Evolution and Human Behavior 30.4 (2009): 244-260

Hughes, Virginia. "Sperm RNA carries marks of trauma." Nature 508.7496 (2014): 296-297.

Levi-Strauss, Claude, The Raw and the Cooked. Introduction to a Science of Mythology. Volume I., (1969).

Stein, Murray B., Laura Campbell‐Sills, and Joel Gelernter. "Genetic variation in 5HTTLPR is associated with emotional resilience." American Journal of Medical Genetics part B 150B.7 (2009): 900-906.

Tatta, Dr. Joe. “How the Brain Creates Pain— and How to Stop It.” Integrative Pain Science Institute Blog.  www.integrativepainscienceinstitute.com/brain-create-pain-stop 

Turner, Victor, “Body, Brain, and Culture” Zygon Journal of Religion and Science. Volume 18, issue 3, Sept 1983, p.221-245.

Vågerö, Denny, and Kristiina Rajaleid. "Does childhood trauma influence offspring’s birth characteristics?." International Journal of Epidemiology 46.1 (2017).

Episode 1- Introductions and what does “Body Modification” mean, anyway?

A Personal, Spiritual and Anthropological exploration of the Sacred Arts of Body Modification, including Tattooing, Piercing and Scarification. In this first episode, we introduce ourselves, talk a bit about our backgrounds and discuss what we mean by Body Modification.

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